1. 留學(xué)
As is explicitly demonstrated in the line graph above, the 6 years between 2007 and 2012 have witnessed some remarkable changes with regard to the statistics of Chinese students studying abroad. To be concrete, the number of Chinese students to pursue a further study in other countries has experienced a steady gain of 50 thousand, from roughly 10 thousand in 2007 to approximately 60 thousand in 2012.
Theoretically speaking, several fundamental driving forces could account for this phenomenon in the graph, with the following three weighing the most from my perspective. Previously, with the accelerating pace of the economy and society, parents in mounting numbers have possessed sufficient financial resources, which enables them to afford their children’s higher education in developed countries. Simultaneously, we have not failed to notice that, owing to even more desirable education facilities and atmosphere in advanced countries like the United States and British than that in our country, thus it is without wonder that an ocean of students study overseas to equip them with a preferable education. Ultimately, so fierce is the competition of the job market that an increasing number of students have inclined to be an overseas returnee to have competitive advantages over others.
Taking what has been argued so far into account, we may inevitably conclude that the fashionable trend will continue in the forthcoming future. Yet, we should take it rationally. Although it is profitable for broadening people’s horizons, it may also lead an extravagant and meaningless life for some people. Accordingly, people should treat it rationally. And it is also advisable for the government to pay closer attention to the quality of domestic university education.
從理論上講,幾個(gè)基本驅動(dòng)力可以解釋這一現象,在我看來(lái),以下三個(gè)動(dòng)力的稱(chēng)重最大。以前,隨著(zhù)經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )步伐的加快,越來(lái)越多的家長(cháng)擁有充足的財政資源,這使得他們能夠負擔發(fā)達國家的子女高等教育費用。同時(shí),我們也沒(méi)有注意到,由于美國、英國等先進(jìn)國家的教育設施和氣氛比我國更為理想,因此,很多學(xué)生出國留學(xué),使他們具備更理想的教育能力,也就無(wú)奇。歸根結底,就業(yè)市場(chǎng)的競爭如此激烈,以使越來(lái)越多的學(xué)生傾向于成為海外歸國者,以比其他人具有競爭優(yōu)勢。
(本文為跨考教育教研室老師原創(chuàng ),轉載請注明出處。)
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